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The materials posted on this website are for general informational purposes only.  The materials and information contained and/or referred to on this website are not intended to furnish legal services or advice. You should not act, or refrain from acting, in any way based on the information contained in this site.  The receipt or use of the information does not create an attorney-client relationship, and is not intended to do so.


Do not send us any information on any particular legal matter as to which you are seeking legal advice until you have spoken with one of our attorneys and you are asked to provide such materials.  We do not assume any legal obligation to respond to unsolicited e-mail or regular mail.  The sending of electronic mail to the firm will not create an attorney-client relationship, may not be secure, and should not include sensitive or confidential information.


It is the firm’s policy that all clients of the firm must sign a letter, also signed by a representative of the firm, stating the terms of the firm’s engagement to provide legal services.  In the absence of a letter signed by you and a representative of the firm, and the payment of any required retainer, you should not expect that the firm is representing you, or undertaking any obligation to act or refrain from acting on your behalf.


No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.


Each case is unique and is decided on its own facts and circumstances. Past results are not a predictor of future success.